Recorded Webinars

2021 Recorded Webinars


Job Descriptions

The importance of a proper job description cannot be overstated. In its most basic form, it’s a plain-language tool used to describe the duties and responsibilities of the specified position. However, the importance goes far beyond that. A job description should be directly tied to performance reviews, salary adjustments and providing accommodations under the ADA. It also impacts recruitment, EEO reporting, establishing titles and developing career paths. Join us for this 1-hour webinar while we dive into the often neglected and maligned Job Description.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is no longer a topic that can be avoided. Even smaller firms may need CSR policies when doing business with larger companies, state or local governments or even have international customers. A CSR survey can unexpectedly become a condition of those business relationships. In addition, employees may want to know that the company they work for takes a strong position on ethics and corporate social responsibility.


 Employment Related Provisions of ARPA, Including the COBRA Subsidy and Paid Leave

Employment related provisions of ARPA, including the COBRA subsidy.



The OSHA general duty clause places a firm obligation on employers to take the necessary steps to ensure worker safety. With COVID-19, the already challenging task of remaining compliant may seem daunting. Join us for a 1-hour webinar that will cover the history of OSHA, basic worker protections and compliance obligations during this challenging time.


HR Risk Assessment/Top 10 Concerns for 2021

One of the best ways to remain compliant is to perform an HR Risk Assessment periodically. Join us for this 1-hour webinar as we highlight the top 10 concerns for 2021.


Second Round PPP and other Employment Provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act

This webinar will cover recent updates to the PPP program, including second draw loans and changes to program rules. We will also cover other employment related provisions of the recent Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.